Hire premium dedicated
Hire premium dedicated talent
Hire premium dedicated talent
Hire premium dedicated talent
Hire premium dedicated talent
a day-a-week
team on-demand
a day-a-week
a day-a-week
team on-demand
a day-a-week
a day-a-week
team on-demand
a day-a-week
a day-a-week
team on-demand
a day-a-week
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
Talent on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Team on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
Talent on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Team on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Ideal for maintenance, bug fixing or small improvements.
Talent on-demand
Add specialized resources and flexibly augment your team.
Team on-demand
Developing internal projects that require a dedicated team.
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
Talent on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Team on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
Talent on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
Team on-demand
Project maintenance, bug fixing and small improvements.
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Available in 1-2 weeks
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
8 hours a week
Low risk commitment
Sustainable maintenance
Kickoff in 1-2 weeks
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Kickoff in 2-3 weeks
Hourly based
Meet project deadlines
Specialized skills
Kickoff in 2-3 weeks
Hourly based
Fast project kickoff
Prevent overstaffing
Kickoff in 3-4 weeks
Hourly based
Fast project kickoff
Prevent overstaffing
Kickoff in 3-4 weeks

Network of
AI Experts
AI Experts
AI Experts

Network of
React Developers
React Developers
React Native Developers
React Native Developers
Node Developers
Node Developers
Python Developers
Python Developers
Java Developers
Java Developers
AWS Specialists
AWS Specialists
Google Cloud Specialists
Google Cloud Specialists
iOS Developers
iOS Developers
Android Developers
Android Developers
UI Designers
UI Designers
UI Designers
UX Designers
UX Designers
UX Designers
Brand Designers
Brand Designers
Brand Designers
Video Creators
Video Creators
Video Creators
Motion Designers
Motion Designers
Motion Designers
Network of
Project Managers
Project Managers
Project Managers
Product Managers
Product Managers
Product Managers
Product Owners
Product Owners
Product Owners
Scrum Masters
Scrum Masters
Scrum Masters
Engineering Managers
Engineering Managers
Engineering Managers
Network of
ChatGPT Specialists
ChatGPT Specialists
ChatGPT Specialists
Claude Specialists
Claude Specialists
Claude Specialists
Generative AI Specialists
Generative AI Specialists
Generative AI Specialists
Prompt Engineers
Prompt Engineers
Prompt Engineers
Python Developers
Python Developers
Python Developers
R Developers
R Developers
R Developers
Network of
AI Experts
Network of
React Developers
React Native Developers
Node Developers
Python Developers
Java Developers
AWS Specialists
Google Cloud Specialists
iOS Developers
Android Developers
UI Designers
UX Designers
Brand Designers
Video Creators
Motion Designers
Network of
Project Managers
Product Managers
Product Owners
Scrum Masters
Engineering Managers
Network of
ChatGPT Specialists
Claude Specialists
Generative AI Specialists
Prompt Engineers
Python Developers
R Developers
Network of
AI Experts
Network of
React Developers
React Native Developers
Node Developers
Python Developers
Java Developers
AWS Specialists
Google Cloud Specialists
iOS Developers
Android Developers
UI Designers
UX Designers
Brand Designers
Video Creators
Motion Designers
Network of
Project Managers
Product Managers
Product Owners
Scrum Masters
Engineering Managers
Network of
ChatGPT Specialists
Claude Specialists
Generative AI Specialists
Prompt Engineers
Python Developers
R Developers
Network of
AI Experts
Discover the advantages
Tailored contracts
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Seamless Scalability
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Handpicked talent
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Prevent Overstaffing
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Extensive Talent Network
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Tailored contracts
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Seamless Scalability
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Handpicked talent
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Prevent Overstaffing
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Extensive Talent Network
Various contract options tailored to your needs, offering the flexibility for successful project execution.
Seamless Scalability
Effortlessly scale projects with our network of specialized professionals, adapting to changing needs.
Handpicked talent
Our stringent process selects only the top-tier talent, guaranteeing exceptional quality and reliability.
Reduce full-time employment overheads without compromising talent quality or HR efficiency.
Prevent Overstaffing
Introduce specialised talent to your workforce without the need to increase the team.
Extensive Talent Network
Gain access to a global pool of skilled freelancers and agencies, ensuring diversity and expertise.
of partnering with Coletiv
Get started in less than two weeks
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Get in touch
Book a talent scope meeting to start hiring.
We'll find the right talents
Five days for an update
Our team will find the required talent for the project. Present the talent options, availability and pricing. You are welcome to conduct interviews.
Bureaucracy just once
One day
We take care of all the necessary contracts.
Effortless onboarding
Two days
Experience a seamless onboarding process, setting the stage for a successful project kickoff.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Get in touch
Book a talent scope meeting to start hiring.
We'll find the right talents
Five days for an update
Our team will find the required talent for the project. Present the talent options, availability and pricing. You are welcome to conduct interviews.
Bureaucracy just once
One day
We take care of all the necessary contracts.
Effortless onboarding
Two days
Experience a seamless onboarding process, setting the stage for a successful project kickoff.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Get in touch
Book a talent scope meeting to start hiring.
We'll find the right talents
Five days for an update
Our team will find the required talent for the project. Present the talent options, availability and pricing. You are welcome to conduct interviews.
Bureaucracy just once
One day
We take care of all the necessary contracts.
Effortless onboarding
Two days
Experience a seamless onboarding process, setting the stage for a successful project kickoff.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Get in touch
Book a talent scope meeting to start hiring.
We'll find the right talents
Five days for an update
Our team will find the required talent for the project. Present the talent options, availability and pricing. You are welcome to conduct interviews.
Bureaucracy just once
One day
We take care of all the necessary contracts.
Effortless onboarding
Two days
Experience a seamless onboarding process, setting the stage for a successful project kickoff.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Get in touch
Book a talent scope meeting to start hiring.
We'll find the right talents
Five days for an update
Our team will find the required talent for the project. Present the talent options, availability and pricing. You are welcome to conduct interviews.
Bureaucracy just once
One day
We take care of all the necessary contracts.
Effortless onboarding
Two days
Experience a seamless onboarding process, setting the stage for a successful project kickoff.